Recent Changes to South Walker Sports
Read the article below
Youth-led, Adult-supervised; Non-contact, pick-up games
South Walker Sports is a ministry that seeks to bring together the youth community of neighborhoods around South Walker by building and strengthening relationships, developing team skills, and having a great time.
Join us on listed Saturdays (once-a-month), 11:00AM to 2:00PM
Upcoming Event
Stay Tuned!

Instructions to get involved
- Make sure you have filled out a waiver for each child that would like to participate.
- Make sure you have a plan for transportation for your children both for dropping off and picking up. Participants that are dropped off will not be allowed to leave the premises, even temporarily, unless they are being picked up. We don’t want anyone walking down the very dangerous highway.
- Review the rules (below) and go over them with your child(ren) before attending.
Rules for Participants
- Participants must be in 6-12 grade to play (aged 11-18).
- No foul language, rudeness, threats, violence, or insults towards other participants or adults.
- No smoking, vaping, drinking, or use of any controlled substance.
- Always respect the adult supervisors and follow the given rules of each game.
- Do not leave the church premises once you’ve arrived unless you are being picked up by your ride.
- Respect the sports equipment