Jesus is King at South Walker, and the Gospel is the “good news” of what our King has done to save us.
How do I get saved?
Saved from what?
Our world is full of brokenness. Wherever you choose to look, you will find pain, suffering, loss, vice, and worst of all, death. Not only are situations and circumstances broken, but people like you and me are broken too. Science, medicine, ethics, politics, and many other endeavors seek to solve some form of brokenness in our world. But God has the only perfect solution to our issue.
God’s Perfect Design
When our perfect, holy, and sovereign God created the universe, he created humanity to be in perfect relationship with Him. No brokenness existed in them, but they knew God, and God knew them. God called Adam and Eve, the first humans, “very good.” Humans did not need saving. But one day, they sinned.
Sin Separates us from God
Though humans lived in harmony with God, Satan deceived them into sinning against God, fully corrupting them: body and spirit. Sin is any action, deed, or thought that violates God’s perfect law. When the first humans sinned, their descendants fell under the curse of sin; everyone is broken by sin. Not only this, but by rebelling against their Maker and incurring punishment, humans become enemies of God.
God’s Plan to Save
Without God’s help, wayward humanity had no hope in escaping punishment. As thousands of years passed, God was working out a plan to save humanity. God loved the world so much, that at the right time He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to save those who believe in Him. Though eternally God, the Son became human to bring the “good news” (what we call the Gospel) of God’s salvation through faith in Him.
The Gospel
Jesus Christ is the identical representation of God in human form. He is truly man and truly God. As a human, He had a perfect relationship with God the Father. He endured all the brokenness of our world, but did not sin. Jesus saves humans in this way: He died in our place. He took the burden of sins we committed and received the punishment that we earned on the cross. He was crucified and died, but three days later He resurrected from the grave to live forever. He promised that all who would believe in Him would be saved from sin and death, and that they would resurrect just as He did, to be with Him for eternity when He returns to Earth.
What must I do?
If you understand that you must be saved from your sins, Jesus is a perfect Savior, able to save you completely. Two things He requires of you:
1. Believe in Him
Trust that by His substitutionary sacrifice, you will be saved through faith. This is faith: a kind of hope that believes no matter what may come that God is for you and will not forget you.
2. Follow Him.
Turn away from your former life of brokenness and live the way Jesus did: in harmony with God and obedient to His commands. No longer be the boss of your own life; but now, Jesus is Lord and He will lead you into all righteousness and blessing.
Jesus promises that all those who believe will be restored to God’s perfect design, both during this life and in the everlasting life to come.
What now?
As you begin your new life with Christ, the Lord will lead you to prioritize this relationship in these ways:

Having a family full of encouragement, accountability, and commonality is essential to growing in your faith.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…
Matthew 28:19

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6

Study the message God moved Heaven and Earth to deliver to us.

Combat your brokenness with the power of God you’ve been entrusted with

Combat brokenness in the world with the power of God in the Gospel
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